At Trinity Lutheran, we believe worship is an encounter with God.  That encounter is filled with forgiveness, conversation, guidance, and strength to live.  Every aspect of the Christian life flows from this encounter!  As we experience the love of God, we are compelled to live a life of love.  We look forward to worshiping with you!

download your MARCH 2, 8:15AM TRADITIONAL worship folder
download your MARCH 2, 10:30AM CONTEMPORARY worship folder



Trinity Lutheran Sunday morning worship includes Traditional worship at 8:15AM and Contemporary worship at 10:30AM. We also continue to offer our live streamed and on demand Sunday morning worship on our YouTube channel.


Trinity Lutheran Sunday morning Discipleship will resume this fall between worship services beginning at 9:30AM for Adult Bible Studies, Trinity Youth, and Trinity Kids!


Worship on Wednesday’s is a time to come together, sing, focus on God, seek rest in His presence, and pray together outside of Sunday morning!  This midweek service gives us an opportunity to hear a message based on the previous Sunday’s sermon. Unless otherwise noted, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Wednesday of the month.


Please join us for online Traditional worship at 8:15AM and Contemporary Worship at 10:30AM. Both services can be accessed at any time after they livestream via our YouTube channel or from the Sermons page of our website.
We pray God blesses your worship whenever you are able to join us!

Please share your prayer requests via our website link or from out Church Center app. If you are traveling or you or someone you know cannot meet with us in person, we invite you to worship from your home.


We are a ministry that is supported by the people who are faithful to this place and call this their Church home - if you are one of those people we thank you for supporting our various ministries.

If God has put it on your heart to contribute to the Trinity Lutheran ministry efforts, there are a number of ways to give - you can give electronically through our website and Church Center app, through the mail to Trinity Lutheran Church, 801 S. Madison, Bloomington, 61701, and during all of our worship services.


GUESTS AND VISITORS, please let us know you're here by filling out our website worship attendance form or by completing an attendance card from the pew rack and placing it in the offering plate as it passes by you.

TRINITY FAMILY, we encourage you to check in from the Church Center app or via our online attendance form. If you prefer, complete an attendance card and place it in the offering plate.


It is a privilege to walk with you in life and lift up your prayer requests before the Lord. We would be happy to add your prayer request to verbal prayers, printed prayers, and private prayers as you see fit.


If you answer yes to any of the following conditions or have recently traveled outside the area, please prayerfully consider if it is in the best interest for you and your family to attend in-person worship.  We encourage you to join us in online worship on our YouTube channel 8:15 and 10:30AM.

  • Do you have a temperature above of 100.4 F?

  • Is anyone in your immediate household awaiting COVID-19 test results?

  • Do you have any of the following symptoms:  sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or new onset headache, especially with fever?

  • New uncontrolled cough/difficulty breathing?