TRINITY KIDS exists to come alongside the home, partnering with parents, to pass on faith to the next generation (Psalm 78:4-7) through sharing the love of Jesus and making disciples.
TRINITY KIDS SUNDAY MORNING is our time to gather up kids from 0-5th grade with our Trinity Kids Team each week to:
Experience God’s gift of love in engaging ways
Intentionally grow friendship with Jesus and each other
Practice spiritual habits that can transform hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit
TRINITY KIDS NURSERY (0-2 year olds)
Our Nursery Disciple Leaders host a trustworthy, loving, caring environment that communicates to even the youngest people, “You are a loved child of God!” The room is clean, safe and includes appropriate toys/equipment, and background music. While in the nursery, there will be a “Bible time” with back-and-forth interactions, and a blessing for each child. We like to establish patterns of simple faith rhythms, even with our smallest. With consistent routines, even our babies can learn new words (Bible, God, Jesus), recognize tunes, and build relationships with familiar and friendly faces.
TRINITY KIDS RIGHT FROM THE START (0-3 year olds with parents)
The Right From the Start class for parents with their 0-36m old child(ren) is where simple faith rhythms are introduced and practiced for the first ten minutes each week. Then, while kids have playtime, the facilitators guide parents through a practical faith-based resource for this stage of life. Parents will have the opportunity to find support, encouragement, and connection with other parents in the same life stage, all while building faith foundations with their family.
The Preschool room is a great place for this age to experience the joy and love of Christ in all they do. There is an intentional rhythm to their time together that includes singing, Bible reading, crafts, games and prayers. The leaders help build relationships and make connections with each other and with Jesus!!
Trinity Kids are welcomed into the “opening room” with hospitable leaders, music, and crafts. Their time together begins with a high-energy invocation and a celebration of birthdays and baptism birthdays. It is during the opening they dig into God’s Word together in various and creative ways. The big idea is reinforced through our “gamer guys” who love to bring in the fun. Specific age groups then break into small groups led by their adult disciple leader and a Teenmate (high school students who assist in facilitating this time) where they apply God’s Word to their life and practice various spiritual habits (prayer, journaling, etc . . .
We are offering a space and place for parents (with other parents) to connect with one another, be encouraged through parenting and faith topics, and be spiritually filled. Coffee and donuts will be available.
As God’s family we have opportunity to pause at important moments in our journey of faith to celebrate God’s work, remember God’s faithfulness, and pass on faith in Jesus from one generation to the next, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We call these meaningful, memorable moments in the lives of individuals, families and our congregation, the Faith Milestones. Through Faith Milestones, Trinity will help households nurture that Christian faith by:
Equipping families with practices to help live out faith-at-home
Blessing individuals and marking the occasion with a celebration
Gifting with a tangible item to remember the moment and point to God’s love
Connecting with the faith family for support and encouragement
For Trinity Kids ages: preschooler, kindergartner, 2nd grader or preteen (5-6th grade) we have a faith milestone for you. CHECK OUT THAT INFORMATION HERE.
CLICK HERE IF If you are interested in learning more about baptism for you or your child.
Vacation Bible School is a 3-day discipleship opportunity for families to grow in their faith together while connecting with other families at the same time. The daily Bible verses, music, special guests, crafts, and games all keep the BIG IDEA out in front while everyone gets to experience the message together as a family! It is a unique, special, relational, faith-filling, high-energy, fun, memory-making moment that launches you into your summer of more faith-shaping adventures! Family style VBS takes place the beginning of June and includes dinner each night.
We have a library of 31 five-minute videos for families to “BE” with the Lord together as they take in a Word for the day and some prayer time. There is a fun, local twist as each video was filmed at a different park in town that remains a mystery until the next video. It is a way for you to PAUSE for a PROMISE and PRAYER at the PARK. The other fun twist is that we have added our very own Trinity kids to the mix as they helped with the actions, prayer, and making it fun with their own personalities!!! These be a resource for a five minute family faith moment wherever you may be together!!)
The purpose of Kids Korner was to be a resource that encouraged faith conversations within the family and was born out of a desire to stay connected during the pandemic quarantine and we were blessed to have so many members of our faith family contribute to this ministry. We share a brief object lesson that connects to the Bible text and message for the week. There is a prayer followed by three questions that allow you to pause, reflect, and have faith conversations as a family. May this moment be a blessing as we continue to all grow in our journey of faith together!
More information and a link to our Kids Korner video library can be found HERE >>
The purpose of Trinity Lutheran School is to develop well-rounded, lifetime Christian disciples.
To accomplish this mission, Trinity Lutheran School provides a Christian learning environment for 3 year-olds through 8th graders where faith attitudes are developed and fostered while our students participate in a well-rounded curriculum that treasures the study of core subjects as well as a variety of humanities. We also believe that education extends beyond the classroom. This includes field trips, service projects, family groups, outdoor education, extra curricular activities, and more.
We encourage you to explore our website and warmly invite you to contact us for more information on how we may serve you. We welcome the opportunity to meet you in person.
For more information about Children's Ministry contact Mary Bloebaum, DCE Family Life Ministry or Amy Cottone, Children’s Ministry Assistant.