- Sermon Series -
03022025 - Traditional Worship - Shattered Expectations
Old Testament: Psalm 99:1-9
Epistle: Hebrews 3:1-6
* Gospel : Luke 9:28-36
Pastor David McBurney
Today’s Gospel reading from Luke provides the account of what is called “The Transfiguration,” when the appearance of Jesus changed and all of a sudden Old Testament icons Moses and Elijah were hanging out with Jesus. At first, Peter, one of Jesus disciples, was very excited at the situation and wanted it to never end. But soon Peter became terrified. Why did this extreme change occur? And how does it impact us as followers of Jesus?
03022025 - Contemporary Worship - Shattered Expectations
Pastor David McBurney
For past sermons in this and other series, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Previous Sermon Series
The Passion of Christ
The Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Mark
Lectionary Series
A lectionary is a collection of readings from Sacred Scripture. These readings are arranged according to the Church’s calendar and are intended to be read at the regular, weekly gathering of God’s people.
Fruit of the Spirit
In the book of Galatians, Paul outlines the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We desire to experience and share these traits as the result of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives, but it can be easier said than done!
In this series, we will take a closer look at these questions, learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit together, and explore how to recognize the Holy Spirit working in us as followers of Christ.
Mission: Possible
This seven-week series will examine Trinity’s mission statement–: “Sharing the forgiveness and love of the resurrected Christ and making disciples.” Specifically, we will examine what living out our mission looks like during this particular time in Trinity’s history, both as a congregation and as individuals. .
Covenant and Kingdom
What it means to be a church - the body of Christ - a Covenant community given the mission of extending the Kingdom of our Father.
Together in Advent
Join us for a very special Advent worship series, Together in Advent, as we celebrate together as the family of God the coming of his Son for our salvation. Each week of the series focuses on a different activity for our “to-do list” that is centered on giving and sharing instead of on materialism.
The Heart of Worship
We gather in larger groups for many different reasons: concerts, sporting events, musicals, award ceremonies, movies, etc. For those who attend these gatherings on a regular basis, you discover that each setting has a rhythm about it. The order of events is consistent and each part has its purpose. So, what about gathering for worship? What is the purpose for each part of worship and how is it supposed to shape our everyday lives? Join us as we unpack “The Heart of Worship”!
The Invitation of a Lifetime!
Many people throughout scripture received “The Invitation of a Lifetime”! People like Joseph, Moses, and Lydia experienced the impact of accepting this invitation. It all started with the same kind of invitation Jesus extended to the disciples and extends to us today…”Come, follow me.” Will you come with us and see what happened when these three people accepted this invitation? Will you come with us and see what happens when we accept this invitation today?
ACTS of Wonder
While the Gospels give an account of the life and work of Jesus, the book of Acts gives an account of the earliest followers of Jesus who shared the good news. As individuals encountered the disciples, they were frequently filled with awe and wonder. During this series, we will return to these ACTS of Wonder and experience a renewed sense of awe and wonder in our own lives.
FREED - A Series In Galatians
“Whether fleeing oppression, stepping out of prison, or breaking a strangling habit, freedom means life. There is nothing so exhilarating as knowing that the past is forgotten and that new options await. People yearn to be free.
“The book of Galatians is the charter of Christian freedom. In this profound letter, Paul proclaims the reality of our liberty in Christ–freedom from the law and the power of sin, and freedom to serve our living Lord.”
The Forgiving Challenge - Lent 2022
The Forgiving Challenge follows the life of Peter and the acronym S.C.A.R.S. to unpack the topic of God’s forgiveness. Each Sunday will be an introduction of the topic of the week and the daily challenge devotions will lead us on a journey of practical application.
JESUS: The Real Deal
Every prophet, priest, and king has fallen short of the high standard of perfection as leaders. They carried sin, so their impact was temporary. As we venture forward, flowing out of a series that emphasized the imperfect deliverance provided by the judges, we get to see "Jesus: The Real Deal" over and over again. Join us as we peer into the Gospel of Luke and see deliverance unfold before our very eyes through the life and work of Jesus!
Breaking The Cycle
There are some things in life that seem to be stuck on repeat. Washing dishes. Washing laundry. Mowing the yard. Have you ever thought, “I wish I could just break the cycle”? During this season of Advent, we will take a look at the book of Judges from the Old Testament. As the people of God struggled with sin, they were stuck in a vicious cycle: Apostasy, servitude, supplication, and salvation. While this cycle is revealed, God also points to His plan to break the cycle for good! Judges 3:9a
Here I Stand Out
As Disciples of Jesus, we are called to Stand Out in a world that so often holds to different beliefs, values, and actions. We Stand Out because of our relationship with God the Father. We Stand Out because of our relationship with other believers. We Stand Out because of our love and care for those around us who are our neighbors, whether we know them or not. In faith, God prepares, equips, and transforms us to be outstanding as we Stand Out in faith.
God’s followers are often commanded in the Bible to serve others. That sounds simple, yet many questions arise. Why are we to serve? And, whom should we serve? And, are only certain people supposed to serve, like the extremely gifted or those who like doing it?
Jesus invites His followers to Gather2Grow! He models for each of us the balanced life of a disciple as He spends time individually with the Father (up), spends time with His followers to mentor them (in), and spends time with those who do not believe in Him to serve them (out). This is the balanced life of a disciple He calls us to live!
Intentional, sacrificial and joyful management!
Did God Really Say _____?
In this series, we will look at commonly misused or misunderstood passages and understand what these verses meant when they were written so we can apply them accurately today.
People of the Light
Jesus burst forth from the tomb with a glorious resurrection light! He shines that light upon us, His people, and reveals a new way of living and sharing His forgiveness and love! In this series, we venture into 1 John and other supporting scripture to learn more about being “People of the Light”.
Passionate Living
During the season of Lent, we will look closer at the PASSION of Jesus Christ. Our series, “PASSIONATE LIVING” take us on an adventure through the gospel of Mark both in weekend worship and during Wednesday Lent worship.
The Greatest
Based on 1 Corinthians 13:13 “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” Encouraging all to actively and purposely love others as Jesus has loved you.
We find hope in our Savior Jesus, who humbled Himself by being born to bring hope in this dark world. Advent is a perfect opportunity to be reminded that not only do Christians have hope for the future through the certain promise of eternal life, but we also have hope in the present. This sermon series will remind you of the hope you have in Jesus Christ.
Download our Hope in the Darkness Advent devotion HERE.
The ups and downs of life can frequently challenge our faith. As we cling to faith in God’s promises, we look to those who have gone before us. We look to their lives as a witness to the faith we have in God’s promises. We cling to these promises for our eternity and for our today!
The BEING Challenge
BEING Challenge is a 40-day study and life-changing journey designed to help you grow in your relationship with God as you learn Christ’s 5 main disciplines. Jesus’ love and life demonstrate HABITS that point us to God and can transform our lives.
All Nations: One In Christ
As we better understand our new identity in Christ, our life begins to look different. Our words, actions, and thoughts flow out of our identity. If we cling to an identity other than the one we receive in Christ, then we will be prone to division, destruction, and self centered patterns. Each week's specific aspect of the life following Jesus flows out of our identity in Christ.
Psalms : A Joyful Noise
“A Joyful Noise” may mean many things to many people. As we head into summer our worship and sermon series will focus on “Psalms : A Joyful Noise”. Even with many signs of turmoil going on in our world today it is still possible, even necessary, to make and to hear “A Joyful Noise.”
A Series through 1 Peter
During a time when the people of God were scattered and experiencing trying times, Peter writes a word of encouragement. While the trials they faced were different from the trials we are facing today , Peter’s words of encouragement are just as applicable for us at this moment in time.
Covered In Dust
Join us on this journey in Lent. First, we intentionally enter into a season of mourning. We consider the cost of our sin and then we repent. Second, we follow Jesus on His journey to the cross. In the end, I pray you are “Covered in Dust” following your Savior, Jesus!
Download the devotional journey daily reading guide HERE.
Please visit our LENTEN DEVOTION PLAYLIST on YouTube for Pastor Billy’s daily devotion videos.
The Christ Revealed
Walk into a room and yell, “I have something special for you!” See how many heads turn in anticipation, each hoping this message is for them. Epiphany is a time when we celebrate the special news that Christ is for all people, especially you!
Arise & Shine
In this Advent series we welcome the Christ Child, who is the light of the world, arising in our lives this season. In celebration, we, in turn, shine with the light of Christ in various ways for all the world to see the brightness of his love. Each week will focus on a different aspect of the light of Christ and how we are enlightened by him throughout our lives.
“For us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” (1 Corinthians 8:6)
Throughout the Gospel of Luke, we see accounts of those who have had “Encounters with Jesus”. There is a common denominator. Something is broken or out of place. There is some kind of disorder. Luke reveals to us that amazing things come with an “Encounter with Jesus!” Chaos to order. Illness to health. Brokenness to restoration. The list goes on. Join us for worship and experience an “Encounter with Jesus”.