Reading the Forgiving Challenge book is great, but what makes it even better and more powerful is to connect with others to discuss what you read each week! While connecting with others, you’ll discover, together, God’s grace in a new way through challenges that are practical but to the point and that help give you freedom from your sin and freedom to live a life of meaning and impact.
Some of you may like to gather for discussion with others in smaller groups and some of you may be more comfortable in larger groups. No matter what size group fits your personal preference, there are varying opportunities for you to connect with others during the Forgiving Challenge:
We are offering Sunday Huddle opportunities during Discipleship Hour beginning Sunday, March 6.
We are also offering a Wednesday evening Huddle beginning March 9 at 4:45PM.
Additionally, there will be a Forgiving Challenge ZOOM Huddle opportunity on Friday mornings beginning March 11 at 10:00AM.
Resources are available to share with existing huddles and small groups that plan to participate in the Forgiving Challenge together. Contact Pastor Bahn for more information!
Huddle Discussion Guides and Video Access >
Join us in making a plan to lean into the Forgiving Challenge through Huddle time each week!
+ What is the commitment of a FORGIVING Challenge Huddle?
Here’s the pledge we ask everyone to take on Week 1 of your huddle . . .
● I will be on time and show up with my whole heart. ● I understand that this Group is 100% confidential. Whatever is shared in the Group stays in the Group. ● I will respect other Group members by participating openly and speaking honestly, without dominating the discussions. ● I will not try to fix people, preach a sermon, or give unsolicited advice. ● When I share in the Group I will share primarily about myself and not about others. ● I will trust God to work in all of us as we live out the Red Letters of Jesus.
+ I am already part of a Huddle - is there a place at church we can meet during Discipleship Hour?
Yes! We will have a limited number of spaces in the gym for this purpose. To reserve a space for your Huddle, please call the church office (309) 828-6265 or email Tricia Walker at
+ How do I sign up for a FORGIVING Challenge Huddle?
Visit to sign up for a huddle that works for you.
Contact Pastor Bahn .
Forgiving Challenge
Huddle/Small Group Videos
Be Forgiven. Be Free.