What goes through your mind when you see someone covered in dust? Perhaps you consider their job. Perhaps you consider the game they are playing. Perhaps you consider their housing situation or lack thereof. Context matters.
In scripture, there are two reasons that would cross their mind. First, what is causing this person to enter into a state of mourning? Second, who is this person following so closely that they are covered in the dust at their leaders feet?
Join us on this journey in Lent. First, we intentionally enter into a season of mourning. We consider the cost of our sin and then we repent. Second, we follow Jesus on His journey to the cross. In the end, I pray you are “Covered in Dust” following your Savior, Jesus!
Please pick up our LENT2020 - Covered In Dust Daily Reading Guide in the Narthex or
you can download one HERE!
Begin with Ash Wednesday on February 26 and continue thru April 1 with services at
4:15 & 6:00PM
Lenten Meals have been suspended. We will keep you informed as we evaluate the changes mandated due to COVID-19.