• Trinity Lutheran Church (map)
  • 801 S Madison
  • Bloomington
  • United States

This Sunday, May 17, we are encouraging anyone (families, adults, youth, etc.) to come to the church parking lot under the covered drop between 12-2PM.
The youth have put together over 100+ kits with a variety of service ideas including:

  1. Encouraging Card Kits (pre-stamped & addressed cards to our high school seniors & 8th TLS graduates plus extra blank cards you can send).

  2. Green Thumb Kits (features, gardening gloves, a trowel, and a few flowers to go and plant for a neighbor as well as a garbage bag for weeding)

  3. Sidewalk/Driveway Message Kits (a pack of sidewalk chalk and a list of verses/phrases you can use to encourage others around your neighborhood)

  4. Crafter’s Kits (construction paper to make hearts or cross, coloring pages with verse, colored pencils for you to complete and share with someone to put in their window, door, etc.)

We ask that you pull up to the covered drop, and a youth will come to your car and ask which kit you would like (limited number of each).  They will bring it to your car and share a little blessing with you.
Contact Christy Malinowski with questions at christymali@trinluth.org